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7 reasons to almonds !

The  Romans already loved these "Greek nuts".

And we, we eat them for their many virtues.

By Laurence Delpoux

version fémina - december 2018

7 raisons de se mettre à l'amande

1/ A no-tired cocktail
With 6 grams of protein - the record in comparison with other nuts - in a portion of 30 grams, or a handful of about 23, almonds contain 9 essential nutrients including folate, iron, magnesium, vitamins PP and B2, which help in particular to reduce feeling tired.

2/ An excellent anti-cholesterol
Several studies1 have shown that 4 almonds a day help maintain the "good" cholesterol level, says HDL. By going to twenty, this time can be seen to reduce the rate of "bad" cholesterol, said LDL, and even reduce by 45% the risk of cardiovascular disease, especially through their phytosterols, difficult to find in sufficient quantities in the food.

3/ An argument for fitness-line
Chewing a few almonds in case of craving is enough to quickly provide a satiating effect, to fight against a desire for sweetness and, against all odds, to maintain its weight.
Satiety is indeed better regulated. In addition, the fibers, present in large quantities (3.5 gr per 100 gr), help normalize the intestinal transit. An American study also showed that people who replaced foods high in saturated fat with almonds reduced their abdominal fat2 ... provided they were roasted or dried and with the skin for fiber. Finally, almonds contain fat, of course, but good (monosaturated fat).

4/ A great anti-wrinkle
Of all the nuts, almond is the one that contains the most niacin and riboflavin (vitamin B2), which, like the zinc present in good quantity, participate in the beauty and balance of the skin. Its high content of manganese also activates the production of collagen. In addition, about twenty almonds account for 60% of daily intake of vitamin E, an antioxidant that helps protect against oxidative stress.

5/ A reinforcement for the immune system
Almonds contain 7.4 mg of alpha-tocopherol (Vitamin E) for 30 gr when most nuts contain less than 1 mg! This major antioxidant protects the membrane that surrounds the cells of the body. It helps strengthen the immune system, help prevent certain cancers, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases as well as age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

6/ An asset for bones and teeth
With 75 mg of calcium for about twenty almonds, who says better? The other nuts rarely exceed 30 mg for the same weight ... Added to the phosphorus they contain (416 mg per 100 gr), calcium plays a vital role in the formation and health of bones and teeth.

7/ A weapon against diabetes
After sixteen weeks of a diet rich in almonds, subjects in a recent study3 have seen their type 2 diabetes improve. Almond butter in particular is a concentrated source of zinc which in the pancreas participates in the synthesis, storage and release of insulin. Consuming each day could reduce the risk of diabetes and even help fight this disease.

Journal of the American Dietetic Association, mars 2005
Journal of the American Heart Association, janvier 2013
University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey

Tips for transforming

comment utiliser les amandes

  • Let 300 g of almonds soak in the water overnight, let it dry in the oven for 10 to 15 minutes at 150 ° C, then switch to the blender. This almond butter can be eaten on toast, in a salad dressing or, like Americans, on apple wedges.
  • At the aperitif, we ban the salted almonds, but we can decorate them with spices (paprika, curry, chili etc.) by roasting them for thirty minutes in the oven at 180 ° C, after coating them in white wine. beaten egg flavored with the spice of his choice.
  • In trade, almond milk contains too little fruit and far too much water. Mix 400 gr of almonds, which will have soaked for one night, in a blender, add the water according to the desired creaminess, filter and do not discard the residue, called okara, which you can incorporate into a cookie dough, for example .
  • In a pesto, almonds replace the pine nuts, which are more expensive. Mix three bunches of basil, then three big handfuls of almonds, leaving some chips. Mix everything and add olive oil, grated pecorino, salt and pepper.

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