Découvrez la Léontine cacao noir : une amande espagnole délicatement grillée et enrobée de chocolat noir sans sucre, puis saupoudrée de cacao !
Existe aussi sans sucre ajouté !
Découvrez la Léontine cacao noir : une amande espagnole délicatement grillée et enrobée de chocolat noir sans sucre, puis saupoudrée de cacao !
Existe aussi sans sucre ajouté !
Roasted almond coated with milk chocolate and cocoa - 65 individual pieces
Roasted almond coated with milk chocolate and cocoa - 65 individual pieces
Roasted almond coated with milk chocolate and cocoa - 50 individual pieces
Roasted almond coated with milk chocolate and cocoa - 70 individual pieces
Grilled almond coated with dark chocolate or milk and sprinkled with cocoa
Grilled almond coated with dark chocolate or milk and sprinkled with cocoa
Grilled almond coated with dark chocolate or milk and sprinkled with cocoa
Grilled almond coated with dark chocolate or milk and sprinkled with cocoa
Grilled almond coated with dark chocolate or milk and sprinkled with cocoa
Grilled almond coated with dark chocolate or milk and sprinkled with cocoa
Roasted almond coated with milk chocolate and icing sugar
Roasted almond coated with 3 chocolates (dark, milk, white)
Roasted almond coated with 3 chocolates (dark, milk, white)
Roasted almond coated with 3 chocolates (dark, milk, white)
Roasted almond coated with milk chocolate and icing sugar
Roasted almond coated with milk chocolate and icing sugar
Amande espagnole grillée, enrobée de chocolat au lait, saupoudrée de cacao.
Grilled almond coated with dark chocolate or milk and sprinkled with cocoa
Roasted almond coated with milk chocolate and icing sugar